Ride the Waves that Tried to Crush You
2 Corinithians 4:8-9 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.
Ever been here? Trouble on every side, perplexed, knocked down....
You are not alone. Seriously....I think so many of us have felt this way at least (and I mean at least) once or twice.
I watched this movie one day, a movie that I never would have normally watched. It was about surfers, and truthfully, I would avoid a movie where everyone is in swimsuits...however, something really intrigued me about this one and I stopped to watch.
Here's the basic gist of the movie. This girl loved to surf. She was very good at it....however, one time while surfing one of those awesome big waves, the wave slammed her down underwater, where she hit her head, board got caught on a rock and she nearly lost her life. Fast forward a year or so, and she is surfing again, but not competitively, she's just hitting the small waves, having fun, but never putting herself in that same position again.
She finally is encouraged to brave THE waves again in competition. Guess what...almost the same thing happens again. Fear causes her to misjudge the wave, and it crashed down over her, and her board is stuck again on a rock underwater and her ankle is fastened by a strap to the board. It's getting harder to breathe and she's trapped....she finally gets free from the board...she tries to swim to the surface, gasps for air....when suddenly another massive crushing wave crashes over her and sends her back under again, deep into the water. She barely had enough air to begin with, now she fights back to the surface, and gets one quick breath, before again...one more unrelenting wave...uncaring crashing wave sends her forcefully back underwater, deep, deep into the black water. By this time, you wonder does she even have the strength to fight her way back up again, and if she does will it even matter. You're on the edge of you seat, (realizing that's ridiculous because this is only a movie, ;o) hoping praying that she fights her way to the top once more . She does and this time there's enough of a break that someone is there with a jet ski to get her out of there.
Fast forward a little bit, and she is recovering in the medical tent...when she realizes...she will always be bound by fear if she doesn't get out there and ride that wave...... everyone gasps. She's out there now...she watches one, two, three waves come and go.....she stays afloat on all of them, just letting them pass. Then there's one that's coming that's gonna be huge...powerful...She starts swimming towards the shore getting ready for this wave....she stands...and...she rides that wave perfectly...it pipes around her providing a type of silence that is beautiful, the crowd of course can't see her, but she comes out of the wave on her feet with the most beautiful experience of her life. She rode the wave and won!
Long story, but if you're still with me...thank you. God showed me so much in this movie...How many times have the waves of life battered us, crashed over us...how many times have we felt like we were fighting for our lives, just fighting to catch our breath, when just as soon as we can breathe again, something else hits us and sends us crashing down again...
Too tired to fight...too tired to try again. But something...something says..Oh you might be knocked down, but not knocked out...you might pressed down, but not destroyed, ... discouraged, but never with out hope.
I'm telling you there's something that God does that even when things begin to appear "hopeless", He allows even just that glimmer of hope to guide us to the surface....
I can't even swim in the natural, but I know this...I'm tired of just coming up for air...tired of feeling like all the energy is used up in existing.
Things are changing. I'll say that again...This time things are changing....
This much I know...it's time to ride the waves...to the other side.
2 Corinthians 1:7-9 (New Living Translation)
7 We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us. 8 We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through...We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. 9 In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.
Thanks for reading. Love to know if you did.
Just had to add this link to this post...not normally my type of music...but the lyrics....come on!
FireFlight - "Unbreakable"
Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight, can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger
God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been
I wanna go there, this time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me, nothing can stop me
Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Can I trust what I can?t see to reach my destiny?
I want to take control but I know better
God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been
I wanna go there, this time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me, nothing can stop me
Forget the fear it's just a crutch
That tries to hold you back
And turn your dreams to dust
All you need to do is just trust
God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been
I wanna go there, this time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it?s unmistakable
No one can touch me, nothing can stop me
God I want to dream again, take me where I've never been
I wanna go there, this time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me, nothing can stop me