Strength For Your Journey

There is strength for just one more step. Believe it!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Extreme Measures!

Extreme Results call for Extreme Measures.

I am about to allow you insight into a personal journey. 

 I normally don't like to "share the journey" as it is happening.  
I much prefer to share with you the victory at the end and then tell you
 about the journey that I was on....past tense, indicating that the journey is over 
and there is indeed a victorious end to share with you.  
This is not the case for this particular blog.
I am forced to confront some issues in my life that I need to deal with head on.  
You as the reader, will watch as the revelation happens.  
You will also play a part in holding me accountable.  
How, you might ask?  
Well, frankly, just by you reading this blog, I risk being thoroughly embarrassed if I don't follow through with making some of the necessary changes in my life.  

Therefore, I openly share my first story with you. 
Realization # 1 -   I most definitely need outside accountability for some areas of my life.  
The bigger realization might be in knowing that I simply will not hold myself accountable in some areas.  In recognizing that, I realized the need to have outside accountability.
I shared this "revelation" with a friend, and shared that I have so many areas to work on, and each one requires so much work that I usually just end up "paralyzed" with how overwhelming it all is, and then it just remains the same, or even worsens.  So this friend then basically "forced" me to write the following note, take a picture of it, and promise to post it on Facebook. 

So....My Journey Begins.
Basically, One area out of order in my life.....My House Is A Wreck!
It is no secret to those who know and love me most,
 that I do not have the blessed gift of "Housekeeper Extraordinaire"  
I am seriously laid back.  I also am "Queen of Excuses". 
 Perhaps you recognize some of my SUPER excuses?  
For example....I'm a single mom, so busy, sports, games, work, church, so tired, grocery store, just started Zumba, meetings...thyroid low, vitamin D low, iron low, need some "me" time, need to relax, family is more important....the list could go on and on.  So much truth in these, and yet still all excuses.

It seems extremely sad to me that you can't hold yourself accountable to something like cleaning your house.  Ridiculous...but I know me...I'll find every excuse in the book...seriously.  You have no idea.  **I was going to do it Saturday, but a friend needed me to take her to the Tennesee/VA line...left 8am didn't get home until 10pm.  True?   Yes!  Sunday? - Church and then visiting family....gone from 8:30a-9:00p Clean now?  Are you nuts?!  Monday - Didn't get home until after  7:30.  By the time we made dinner, just too tired...watched TV instead.  Tuesday-Friday...just as many valid reasons/excuses for me to give myself a little "grace", cut myself some slack, take a break, etc.  I've excused myself into a tee-total wreck of a house.  

I am ready for change.  No more C.H.A.O.S. - Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome
So as a baby step, I make at least one goal for this week....
I commit to cleaning my Kitchen by Sunday, and even posting a picture. 
 (This does mean by 11:59pm Sunday night.) 
 I will also contact my friend Barb, who I have a feeling will be "inspiring" me in some other areas.

There you have it.  It's up.  Posted.  
I pray that one day, my life will so be in order, that I will actually need no outside accountability. 
 Until then?  I write, and hopefully you read.

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