This is such a powerful word for anyone feeling on the verge of transition. This blog is simply a transcription of a message I heard it, and felt like it was for me and for me only...yet I know when God does that it's often for many of us!! So if it resounds with you too....take it!!
From T.D. Jakes October 3,2011 AND I QUOTE!!
"Many of you are in a transition; you are at a turning point in your life. You are standing right on the edge, on the verge, of a new idiom of thinking and being and doing and becoming, and you sense it in your spirit, yet you have a certain degree of uncertainty about the particulars. Because whenever God does a thing, He never describes what He does, He just does it because He’s sovereign. He does it because He is God all by himself. He doesn’t give you details, He just tells you to step off the boat and walk on the water. He doesn’t give you details, He just says, Go to a place that I’ll show you when you get there. He doesn’t give you details, He just says build me a house. He doesn’t give you a lot of details about circumstances and situations, He just is…and somebody in this room, God has been nudging you towards something and you can’t even explain what it is…it’s beyond your sphere of reference, it does not fit in with your resume, it does not tie in to a natural progression of thoughts, it is not an ordinary like A, B, C, D, it’s like A, B, Q it’s just all out of alignment with everything you thought was about to happen, but you are on the verge of a mighty transition and the Lord has sent me all the way from Dallas Texas to prepare you because something is about to happen in your life!"

DNA...Doubt?NotAnymore! I know I'm His, and He's preparing me for what He's transitioning me into...I can't explain it but I can feel it, and I know He hasn't brought me this far to leave me!
Be encouraged!
I love this, God can take me from A to Q without hitting all the grades in between. Just look at Paul or David...Paul became the writer of most of the New Testament and was an esteemed apostle and never set foot in a seminary.
ReplyDeleteDavid was a sheep herder and found himself King! I am ready to jump from A to Q today
thanks again for sharing His Heart and yours