Thankful! So thankful. Did you know it's impossible to be Thankful and Miserable at the very same time? Seriously. Think about it. If you are Thankful..at least for that 2 or 3 seconds you choose to be Thankful for something, miserable has to take a back seat. Did you know that you are the only one that gets to decide if you are Thankful or not? It's totally your choice. Quite frankly, if I knew I had a choice between miserable and Thankful...I'd choose thankful any day of the week!!
I'm just so thankful to God, that He nudges us, reminds us, and gives us the ability to be thankful!

My daughter and I went for a walk the other night...and something happened. I found myself being overwhelmed with thankfulness. As we were walking, and mind you this is before dinner, and we were hungry! We began to smell some of the most beautiful aromas! As we passed one house, we could tell that they were grilling out. Oh, the wonderful smell of something cooking on the grill. How pleasant that was as we passed by. For a moment I did consider knocking on the door and inviting ourselves to dinner! :) We continued walking, and before long I smelled another wonderful aroma! It was definitely someone who had just ordered from the local Italian Restaurant. The smell of the spices, and the marinara, and even imagining the cheese....Beautiful! We continued walking and then another wonderful smell...we both looked at each other and at the same time said..."Someone's doing laundry!" The smell of fresh laundry, of the fabric softener was so clear in the air and so nice....it almost inspired us to do laundry when we got back to the house......almost. :) As I inhaled the wonderful smells, I looked up at the sky, and we saw the most beautiful clouds in the sky, with the most beautiful colors of the setting sun reflecting off of the clouds. I could feel the crisp fall evening air, and the slight breeze blowing around us.
I'm telling you something happened. I suddenly was so thankful that I could smell. What a privilege to smell such wonderful aromas! I was so thankful that I could see! I could see the leaves turning, and the beautiful clouds and sunsets! Then I was just so thankful for Fall, and the cool evenings. Then I was reminded what an incredible blessing it is to be able to walk! I thought of how many times I couldn't walk as far, and I thought of people too old to walk, or those in the hospital who would love to get up and walk around. I was thankful we had a home to walk back to, and food to make for dinner. I was just simply overwhelmed with thankfulness to God for things I rarely take the time to thank Him for.
It was a wonderful night! I must tell you too, that during that time of thankfulness, I could feel God so near! I wasn't thinking of stresses in my life. For those beautiful moments, I was simply thankful enjoying the precious gifts I've been given and enjoying time with God and my daughter.
Thankful! Have you tried it lately? It's wonderful!