Strength For Your Journey

There is strength for just one more step. Believe it!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Automatic Doors Ahead - Just Keep Moving!

Automatic Doors - Just Keep Moving!

Ok...So I recently heard a minister talking about Automatic Doors, so I totally cannot take any credit for this. It really got me thinking. You know you've always heard things like "when one door closes another door opens". "If God closes a door He opens a window". Well I guess what I've found out in my own life, is that there are some doors that just won't open until you knock, knock, knock and keep on knocking. Some doors that are locked and you must have the key. Others though, are automatic..and sometimes I think these are the ones we miss the most.

I think it's the automatic doors that are triggered by us being in a certain position. All we really need to do is just place ourselves in the right position and that door just opens. Ever just knew you weren't in position? I know the feeling well. In many areas, I still feel this way. Here's the deal....sometimes we just get tired. There's a reason for that. 1 Corinthians 16:9 says "For a wide door of opportunity for effectual [service] has opened to me [there, a great and promising one], and [there are] many adversaries." There will be many things that try to keep us from the very things God has for us. Sometimes, after having to press through so much, and being disappointed, our step slows, and sometimes it comes to a crawl, and then before long, we just want to sit down for awhile...many times just sitting MUCH longer than we not even knowing if we have the strength to get back up at all let alone keep moving. I want to encourage you (as well as myself) to remember that sometimes you are literally inches from being in the exact position that triggers that automatic door....That door to the next atmosphere, dimension, level....whatever you want to call it..The one where you suddenly see things from a totally different perspective. The one where even the people around you act differently. There's a new level of peace, hope, joy, strength, new vision for what's ahead. The automatic doors close behind you and there is simply no going back to the way things's only forward momentum from here! "Never going back to the way it was!" Really, the way it was wasn't so know..Think about the "Best is Yet To Come!" God has the door ready to open...all you need to do is don't stop, keep moving, and get in position and everything can change in a moment for your good!

I can almost feel some people saying, I just can't do this anymore. I feel crippled by life and the situations I've had to go through. Well good news for are not alone. You are not the only one who has gone through things in life that make you feel like you cannot recover, that you will never be able to walk again. This is where you simply admit where you are, recognize you might need some help, ask for it, and then even you can enter through this automatic door. Sometimes it's crying out to God for help, sometimes it's being willing to share with a pastor, friend or counselor, that you are tired of where you are at and you are ready to move on to the next level in life. Everyone needs a little help sometime.
The automatic door is there for you too! Believe it!

God has a timing for things in our life. Believe it or not, we really do not know it all. Many times it seems like He is
definitely too slow in helping us, like it is surely time for these good things to come to us! Ever think you were ready for something only to find out you really weren't. You ended up messing it up, because you weren't ready for it. Trust God for His timing. If you rush ahead, and try to force doors open, you never know what might happen. Think of the automatic doors on the Metro. As the train is stopping, they are closed for a reason and they open at a particular time for a reason - it's for your safety or possibly the safety of others waiting as well. Don't force doors to open...almost always, you will regret that decision. I love this prayer and I do pray it often..."God don't take me where my character in you can't keep me". There's nothing like "making it big", only to fall hard and in front of many. I want to be ready for whatever it is He has for me. "Please wait for doors to fully open before passing through".

And know those revolving doors? Know when to step off and not go in circles. How frustrating it is in life to just go in for the open door God provides, and walk out into it. While on the subject of those revolving doors...ever had someone try to squeeze their way into that some door opening with you? How uncomfortable and rude is that?!
Don't try and tail-gate your way in on someone else's open door. You really don't want someone else's dream, or someone else's destiny. God has had one created especially for you since you

were created. It's better for you than any one else's could don't crowd in on them, and try to take whats theirs. Don't try and take someone else's promotion, someone else's position...what's up with that?! You must not have any faith in yourself or in God, that you have your very own position that won't be taken from you, if you didn't take it from someone else! No Tailgaiting!!

There is a door. It is the access to your next level of success, joy, peace, strength...the next level of perspective. In your life there will be many access points that depend on the choices you make. Some require keys, some require diligent knocking, and others simply require you not giving up, and walking in the right direction for that right position to trigger your automatic door. Heart position is so key. Check yourself. What is the position of your heart? Ready for the next level? Ready for the door to open? It's now up to you to make the decision....God already has everything in place...just position yourself and keep moving!!!